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A Voice Controlled LED Light Show

Easy-VRStamp development board


A project example for VR Stamp :

A voice controlled LED light show

Train your board with your voice, then control the LED animation by saying commands !

This project is fitted to the mikroC RSC-4x compiler small memory model : no mikroC licence is needed, just to show the power of the demo version !



 This project example shows how to build a voice controlled application, involving the following products or technologies :

In this page, a short tutorial will help you to install mikroC RSC-4x compiler.
We will see then, how to produce synthetized speech and add it to a VRStamp project with QS4.
But if you are already familiar with these tools, you can directly jump to the mikroC project example section.


How to install mikroC RSC-4X Compiler

mikroC Compiler and Sensory tools installation :

Download and install the last release of mikroC RSC-4x compiler from mikroE web site :

Download and install the last release of Phyton Project-SE development kit from Phyton web site :

Download and install in a different folder, an old version of Phyton Project-SE (released before june 2006) development kit from a web archive, for example :
then copy the MCASE.EXE binary file from the old \MCCSE\BIN folder to the latest one,
for example (dos command, depending on your installation paths) :
copy C:\Phyton\Proj-se\1_10_05\MCCSE\BIN\MCASE.EXE C:\Phyton\Proj-se\1_10_09\MCCSE\BIN

Download and install the last release of Sensory Fluentchip libraries and QuickSynthesis 4 toolkit :

mikroC IDE configurations

Open mikroC RSC-4x compiler

mikroC needs to know where to find Phyton assembler and linker.
Go to Tools -> Preferences -> Options -> Project -> Cross Tools, and point to the latest Phyton tools directory as follow :

Creating a new VR Stamp Project

Open mikroC RSC-4x compiler

Go to Project -> New Project :

mikroC needs to know where to find the binary objects to link to your project (as FluentChip libraries, speech, sounds...), and the locations of the include files.
Go to Tools -> Options -> Project -> Search Path
add in the Path list the path to your project and the path to the Sensory FluentChip library, as well as other paths where to find other binary objects if needed ;
add in the Include Path list the path to the Sensory FluentChip includes, as well as other paths where to find other includes if needed.

This should look like this :

Note : update Sensory path names with latest release number. Screen capture has been made with Fluentchip V2.0.14, but now the latest release is 3.0.7 so your path should be something like C:\Sensory\FC3_0_7\...

then click OK when finished.

To build the project, mikroC needs to know all of its parts.
Go to Project -> Add to Project to add :


Adding SPEECH to your projects with QS4

QS4 (QuickSynthesis 4) is a Sensory tool that turns sounds files into a linkable module, you can add them to your VRStamp project just like a library.

Here is a very fast and easy way to add a robot voice to your VRStamp project :

Open Windows Control Panel, switch to "Classic View", launch "Voice", you will get Microsoft voice synthetizer :

Microsoft SAM voice synthesis








Playing with Microsoft Sam's voice : you will get a robotic synthetized voice








When you are ready, record the voice with your preferred audio software tool : I recommend you to use GoldWave, you can try it for free.

Then save synthetized speech into distinct files, launch QS4, create a new project and add the files by clicking on the green cross :


















Apply SXL compression to all files : Edit -> Select All Files, Edit -> Edit Compression Details, select SXL 8K (lowest bit rate, less ROM consumption).

Then build the linkable module by clicking on the "Build" icon. You will get an alert box about the zero-state version of the Fluentchip library, but don't panic : it is normal.

MikroC RSC-4x Project Example

Here is the project ready to download :

Download mikroC VRStamp Voice Controlled LED Light Show ziped file

full mikroC project folder, 1.97 Mo

Download the ZIP file, unzip it to a new folder, then open the project with mikroC RSC-4X compiler.

A ready to flash .HEX file is packaged in the zipped file.

Instructions for use

This program learns and recognize four speaker-dependant keywords.

To train a keyword, press its button : the corresponding LED will start to blink. The program prompts to say the keyword twice, if the training is successful the LED is on, otherwise the LED is off.

The first keyword changes the animation style. There is a set of five animations for demonstration purpose.
The second keyword slows the animation : the time between each step is increased.
The third keyword speeds the animation : the time between each step is reduced.
The fourth keyword stops the animation, and gives back control to the buttons.
The program can say fourteen different phrases (prompt, error messages...) depending on context, please pop up the volume of the on-board speaker system.

The READY LED is on if all keywords are trained, you can then press the START button to start the LED light show : recognition mode is enabled.

The keywords templates and program status are stored to the VRStamp built-in EEPROM, the program restarts at power-up in the same status he was before power down.
If you want to clear the templates and status, press the START button at power-up.

This picture is a summary of the set of Easy-VR Stamp board commands and controls of this project :

VRStamp LED Light Show Commands

 This video capture is a short demonstration of the training phase and the voice recognition mode :


C Source Code

This is the mikroC RSC-4X source code, as it is in the ZIP archive.
Please use the zipped archive to get a ready-to-build project.

 * Project Name : ledLightShow
 * File Name    : ledLightShow.c
 * Object       : This example shows how to use Sensory's FluentChip libraries,
                  to train VRStamp to learn 4 keywords from a speaker,
                  and then to recognize them when they are spoken again from the same speaker
                  To be used with mikroElektronika Easy-VRStamp development board.
 * Author       : Bruno Gavand
 *                see more details on
 * Date         : May 13, 2007
 * Release      : V1.0
 * IDE          : mikroE RSC4X mikroC compiler V2
 * Guaranty     : None, use it at your own risks
 * MCU settings : RSC4128, 14.32 Mhz, 0 wait state
 * Memory model : small
 * Extra tools  : Phyton assembler and linker Project SE V1.10.06
 *                Sensory's FluentChip library V2.0.14
 * Dev. Board   : mikroElektronika Easy-VRStamp V1.21
 * Easy-VRStamp settings :
 * J1, Power    : USB or EXT
 * J2, Buttons  : to GND
 * J3, P0       : no resistor
 * J4, P1       : no resistor
 * J5, P2       : no resistor
 * J6, DAC/PWM  : DAC
 * J7, ADC/PWM  : DAC
 * J8, Mic Gain : MEDIUM
 * J9, Mic      : On-Board
 * J10, Mic     : On-Board
 * SW1.0, P0 LEDs       : OFF
 * SW1.1, P1 LEDs       : ON
 * SW1.2, P2 LEDs       : ON
 * SW1.3 : NC
 * SW1.4, P0.0 RX       : OFF
 * SW1.5, P0.1 TX       : OFF
 * SW1.6, P0.2 SDA      : OFF
 * SW1.7, P0.7 SCL      : OFF
 * SW2.0 to SW2.7       : OFF
 * CN1, Ext Power       :
 * CN2, USB             :
 * CN3, RS232           : NC
 * CN4, Speaker out     : to On-Board Speaker
 * CN5, LCD             : NC
 * CN6, CF MEM CARD     : NC
 * CN7, Ext. Mic        : NC
 * CN10, PORT0          : NC
 * CN11, PORT1          : NC
 * CN12, PORT2          : NC
 * Instruction for use :
        This programm will allow a user to control a LED light show by voice, after a learning phase.
        The user will have to train the system with four keywords :
                - the first keyword will start the animation
                - the second keyword will slow the animation
                - the third keyword will speed the animation
                - the fourth keyword will exit the animation
        Buttons :
                P0.0 : start keyword 1 training (start animation, for example : "Start !")
                P0.1 : start keyword 2 training (slow animation, for example : "Slow !")
                P0.2 : start keyword 3 training (fast animation, for example : "Fast !")
                P0.3 : start keyword 4 training (exit animation, for example : "Exit !")
                P0.6 : enters recognition mode and starts LED light show
                P1.0 : on if keyword 1 is trained, off otherwise, blinks during training
                P1.1 : on if keyword 2 is trained, off otherwise, blinks during training
                P1.2 : on if keyword 3 is trained, off otherwise, blinks during training
                P1.3 : on if keyword 4 is trained, off otherwise, blinks during training
                P1.6 : on when system is fully trained, off otherwise, blinks during recognition mode
                P2 : LED light show

        After power-up :
                train a keyword by pressing the corresponding button, then :
                        - say the keyword after the prompt beep
                        - repeat the same keyword after the prompt beep
                when all keywords have been trained (P1.0 to P1.3 LEDs ON), press P0.6 to enter recognition mode.
                when keyword 4 (exit animation) is recognized, the program exit recognition mode.

#include "string.h"

 * FluentChip library definitions

 * QS4 Files
#include        "qs4/ledLightShow.h"

 * I/O definitions
#define BUTTON_PORT     (p0in & BUTTON_MASK)            // buttons
#define STATUS_PORT     p1out                           // status PORT
#define SHOW_PORT       p2out                           // light show PORT

 * Button masks
#define BUTTON_MASK             0b01101111                      // button port bit mask
#define BUTTON_LEARN_CHANGE     (0b11111110 & BUTTON_MASK)      // learn keyword for change
#define BUTTON_LEARN_SLOW       (0b11111101 & BUTTON_MASK)      // learn keyword for slow
#define BUTTON_LEARN_FAST       (0b11111011 & BUTTON_MASK)      // learn keyword for fast
#define BUTTON_LEARN_STOP       (0b11110111 & BUTTON_MASK)      // learn keyword for stop
#define BUTTON_RECOGNIZE        (0b10111111 & BUTTON_MASK)      // start recognition

 * TIMER 3 control definitions
 * see RSC4128 datasheet for details on tmr3 control register
#define T3_IRQ  0x10    // IRQ flag

 * other definitions
#define NB_CMD          4       // number of commands
#define NB_LEDS         8       // number of status LEDs
#define STATUS_LED      6       // status led number
#define MAX_RETRY       3       // abort training after 3 mismatchs
#define SHORT_TIMEOUT   5       // listening timeout during learning phase
#define LONG_TIMEOUT    20      // listening timeout during recognition

#define BASE_TMPLT (long)sizeof(CONF_STRUCT)      // template offset, leave place for configuration structure in EEPROM

#define MAX_SPEED       8

void    learnWord(char s) ;
void    recognizeWord(void);

long    firstTmplt ;                            // offset of first voice template in memory

 * LED animation
uchar   shiftLed = 0 ;                          // animation enable flag
uchar   ledCtr ;                                // pattern index
uchar   speedCtr = 0 ;                          // speed prescaler
const   uchar   ledAnim[5][64] =                // LED patterns
                { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 0 },
                { ~1, ~2, ~4, ~8, ~16, ~32, ~64, ~128, ~64, ~32, ~16, ~8, ~4, ~2, 0 },
                { 0b10000001, 0b01000010, 0b00100100, 0b00011000, 0b00100100, 0b01000010, 0 },
                { 0b10000000, 0b01000000, 0b00100000, 0b00010000, 0b00000100, 0b00000010, 0b00000001, 0b10000001, 0b01000001, 0b00100001, 0b00010001, 0b00001001, 0b00000101, 0b00000011, 0b10000011, 0b01000011, 0b00100011, 0b00010011, 0b00001011, 0b00000111, 0b10000111, 0b01000111, 0b00100111, 0b00010111, 0b00001111, 0b10001111, 0b01001111, 0b00101111, 0b00011111, 0b10011111, 0b01011111, 0b00111111, 0b10111111, 0b01111111, 0b11111111, 0 },
                0       // last pattern must be empty
        } ;

 * configuration structure definition
typedef struct
        uchar   magic[32] ;             // magic string
        uchar   learnFlags ;            // 0x0f when all of the 4 keywords are trained
        uchar   dc[NB_LEDS] ;           // duty cycle to blink status LEDs
        uchar   speed ;                 // animation speed
        uchar   anim ;                  // animation number
        } CONF_STRUCT ;

CONF_STRUCT     confStruct ;            // configuration structure
const   uchar *magicString = "" ; // magic string

PARAMETERPASS res ;     // parameters passing structure, needed by Fluentchip functions

 * messages sound index table
const uchar msgTbl[NB_CMD] =
        } ;

uchar   cnt ;   // status LEDs duty cycle counter

 * ISR : TIMER 3 overflow
#pragma interrupt 4 tmr3_isr                            // tmr3 isr is on vector #4
void tmr3_isr(void)
        uchar i ;
        uchar mask = 0b00000001 ;                       // LED status mask
        if(shiftLed)                                    // if animation enabled
                speedCtr++ ;                            // increment prescaler
                if(speedCtr >= confStruct.speed)        // time has come ?
                        if(ledAnim[confStruct.anim][ledCtr] == 0)               // check if last step is reached
                                ledCtr = 0 ;                                    // back to start
                        SHOW_PORT = ledAnim[confStruct.anim][ledCtr++] ;        // load animation step
                        speedCtr = 0 ;                                          // reset prescaler

        cnt++ ;                                 // increment duty cycle counter
        cnt &= 15 ;                             // only 16 steps
        for(i = 0 ; i < NB_LEDS ; i++)          // for all status LEDs
                if(confStruct.dc[i] > cnt)      // light the LED depending on its duty cycle
                        STATUS_PORT |= mask ;   // on
                        STATUS_PORT &= mask ^ 0xff ;    // off
                mask <<= 1 ;                    // next LED

        irq = ~T3_IRQ ;                 // clear tm3 irq flag


 * write configuration structure to EEPROM
void    writeConfig(uchar clear)
        uchar   i ;
        uchar   *ptr = (uchar *)&confStruct ;           // get pointer

        if(clear)                                       // clear before saving ?
                memset(&confStruct, 0, sizeof(CONF_STRUCT)) ;    // clear structure
                confStruct.speed = MAX_SPEED / 2 ;              // set default animation speed
        strcpy(confStruct.magic, magicString) ;         // set magic string

        for(i = 0 ; i < sizeof(CONF_STRUCT) ; i++)       // write all bytes
                _SeepWriteByte(i, *ptr++) ;

 * read confguration structure from EEPROM
void    readConfig()
        uchar   i ;
        uchar   *ptr = (uchar *)&confStruct ;           // get pointer

        for(i = 0 ; i < sizeof(CONF_STRUCT) ; i++)       // read all bytes
                *ptr++ = _SeepReadByte(i) ;
        if(strcmp(confStruct.magic, magicString) != 0)  // check magic string
                 * bad magic string : the EEPROM content does not belong to us, just ignore it
                writeConfig(1) ;

 * learn a new keyword for slot #slot
void learnWord(char slot)
        uchar   retry = MAX_RETRY ;     // number of retries before giving up
        uchar   lfMask ;                // learn flag mask
        uchar   err = 0 ;               // error counter
        confStruct.dc[slot] = 7 ;       // blink LED
        lfMask = 1 << slot ;            // shift slot number to get mask

         * prompt user to speak
        _PlaySnd(SND_say_keyword, (long)&SNDTBL_LEDLIGHTSHOW, SX_FULL_VOL) ;
        _PlaySnd(msgTbl[slot], (long)&SNDTBL_LEDLIGHTSHOW, SX_FULL_VOL) ;

        _PutTmpltListBase(firstTmplt) ; // define template start

        switch(_MakeTmpltWs(SETUP_TIMEOUT, 2, 2))       // record keyword, first time
                case ERR_OK:                            // record is sucessful
                        _PutTmplt(slot) ;               // save pattern in #slot number
                                 * prompt user to repeat the keyword
                                _PlaySnd(SND_repeat, (long)&SNDTBL_LEDLIGHTSHOW, SX_FULL_VOL) ;

                                confStruct.dc[slot] = 11 ;              // change LED blinking duty cycle

                                switch(_MakeTmpltWs(SETUP_TIMEOUT, 2, 2))       // record keyword again
                                        case ERR_OK:                    // new record is successful
                                                _GetTmplt(slot) ;       // read the previous template into internal memory
                                                _PutTmplt(slot) ;       // put the new template to external memory,
                                                                        // so that successive tries are made with last records

                                                switch(_TrainSd(slot, SD_DEF_LEVEL, 12, &res))  // compare & average templates
                                                        case ERR_OK:                            // training is successful
                                                                _PutTmplt(slot) ;               // store the averaged template to the set #slot
                                                                retry = 0 ;                     // no retry needed
                                                                err = 0 ;                       // no error
                                                        default:                                // training is not successful
                                                                err++ ;                         // increment error counter
                                                                retry-- ;                       // one try less
                                                        break ;

                                        default:                // record is not successful
                                                retry = 0 ;     // no other try
                                                err++ ;         // set error flag
                        while(retry) ;          // loop if needed

                default:                // first record is not successful
                        err++ ;         // increment error counter
                        retry = 0 ;     // no other try

        if(err)                                 // if an error occured
                confStruct.dc[slot] = 0 ;       // clear keyword LED
                confStruct.dc[STATUS_LED] = 0 ; // clear trained status LED
                _PlaySnd(SND_try_again, (long)&SNDTBL_LEDLIGHTSHOW, SX_FULL_VOL) ;      // play the sound "try again"
        else                                    // learning is successful
                confStruct.learnFlags |= lfMask ;               // set keyword flag in learnFlags
                confStruct.dc[slot] = 255 ;                     // light keyword LED

                _PlaySnd(SND_thank_you, (long)&SNDTBL_LEDLIGHTSHOW, SX_FULL_VOL) ;      // play the sound "thank you"

                if(confStruct.learnFlags == 0x0f)               // check for all keywords to be ready
                        confStruct.dc[STATUS_LED] = 255 ;       // yes, light trained status LED
                        _PlaySnd(SND_ready, (long)&SNDTBL_LEDLIGHTSHOW, SX_FULL_VOL) ;  // play the sound "ready"
                        confStruct.dc[STATUS_LED] = 0 ;         // not fully trained, clear the status LED

        writeConfig(0) ;         // save to EEPROM

 * voice controled LED light show
void recognizeWord(void)
        uchar ret ;                     // recognition return code
        if((confStruct.learnFlags & 0x0f) != 0x0f)      // check if all keywords are trained
                _PlaySnd(SND_not_trained, (long)&SNDTBL_LEDLIGHTSHOW, SX_FULL_VOL) ;    // no, play "not trained" sound
                return ;                                                                // return to caller

        confStruct.dc[STATUS_LED] = 7 ; // blink status LED
        shiftLed = 1 ;                  // enable animation

        _PlaySnd(SND_listening, (long)&SNDTBL_LEDLIGHTSHOW, SX_FULL_VOL) ;      // play "listening" sound

        _PutTmpltListBase(firstTmplt);  // define template start

                ret = _RecogSd(NB_CMD, SD_DEF_LEVEL, LONG_TIMEOUT, 2, 2, &res);         // record and compare to the four templates

                switch(ret)                             // test return code
                        case ERR_OK:                    // a pattern is recognized
                                switch(res.pp_b)        // best pattern number is in pp_b struct member of res
                                        case 0:                         // pattern is keyword to change the animation
                                                confStruct.anim++ ;     // next animation
                                                if(ledAnim[confStruct.anim][0] == 0)
                                                        confStruct.anim = 0 ;   // back to first animation
                                                ledCtr = 0 ;            // first LED pattern
                                                break ;
                                        case 1:                         // pattern is keyword to slow the animation
                                                if(confStruct.speed < MAX_SPEED)
                                                        confStruct.speed += 2 ;    // increment scaler
                                                break ;
                                        case 2:                         // pattern is keyword to speed the animaition
                                                if(confStruct.speed > 1)
                                                        confStruct.speed -= 2 ;    // decrement scaler
                                                break ;
                                        case 3: shiftLed = 0 ; break ;  // patter is keyword to stop the animation

                                _PlaySnd(SND_ok, (long)&SNDTBL_LEDLIGHTSHOW, SX_FULL_VOL) ;     // play "ok" sound

                                writeConfig(0) ;                                 // store configuration to EEPROM
                        case ERR_DATACOL_TIMEOUT:                               // just loop on timeout
                                break ;
                        default:                // an error has occured
                                _PlaySnd(SND_error, (long)&SNDTBL_LEDLIGHTSHOW, SX_FULL_VOL) ;  // play "error" sound
                                break ;
        while(ret || (res.pp_b != 3)) ;         // loop if an error occured, or if exit has not been requested

        SHOW_PORT = 0 ;                         // turn off LEDS animation

        confStruct.dc[STATUS_LED] = 255 ;       // turn on status LED

 * main loop
void main(void)
        uchar   btn ;           // button

         * I/O configuration, see RSC4128 datasheet
        p0ctla &= 0b10010000 ;          // full port 0 as input, except EEPROM I²C lines
        p0ctlb &= 0b10010000 ;
        p0out = 0 ;
        p0in = 0 ;

        p1ctla = 0xff ;                 // full port 1 as output
        p1ctlb = 0xff ;
        p1out = 0 ;
        p1in = 0 ;

        p2ctla = 0xff ;                 // full port 2 as output
        p2ctlb = 0xff ;
        p2out = 0 ;
        p2in = 0 ;

        firstTmplt = BASE_TMPLT ;       // template offset is constant because we are using external EEPROM
                writeConfig(1) ;
                readConfig() ;                  // read configuration

        _InitCollection() ;             // initialize system for audio block collection
         * timer 3 configuration
        t3Ctl = 0x87 ;          // start timer 3 with prescaler
        t3r = 0 ;               // no reload value
        irq = ~T3_IRQ ;         // clear any pending timer 3 IRQ
        imr = T3_IRQ ;          // enable timer 3 interrupt
        _sti_() ;               // interrupt enable

        _PlaySnd(SND_welcome, (long)&SNDTBL_LEDLIGHTSHOW, SX_FULL_VOL) ;        // play the "welcome" sound

        for(;;)                                                 // forever loop
                if((btn = BUTTON_PORT) != BUTTON_MASK)          // a key is pressed ?
                        while(BUTTON_PORT != BUTTON_MASK) ;     // yes, wait for release

                        switch(btn)                             // test button
                                case BUTTON_LEARN_CHANGE        : learnWord(0) ; break ;        // learn keyword #1
                                case BUTTON_LEARN_SLOW          : learnWord(1) ; break ;        // learn keyword #2
                                case BUTTON_LEARN_FAST          : learnWord(2) ; break ;        // learn keyword #3
                                case BUTTON_LEARN_STOP          : learnWord(3) ; break ;        // learn keyword #4
                                case BUTTON_RECOGNIZE           : recognizeWord() ; break ;     // start keyword recognition for LED animation control

MikroC project files

Here are the files dependencies (mikroC screen capture) :

mikroC RSC-4x file dependencies

ledLightShow.c is the C source code above.

config.mca is a very important assembly file : it contains hardware specific definitions, read it carefully.

qs4\LEDLIGHTSHOW.MCO is the linkable object module generated by QuickSynthesis 4 project build : it contains the compressed sounds. Note that the C source code includes a qs4/ledLightShow.h definitions file, automatically generated by QS4 too.

fc4128zws.mcl is the zero wait state library for RSC4128 MCU. Note that zero wait state library is needed, because we have selected the SXL audio compression mode in QS4 for minimum ROM requirement.

mem24xxx-400khz.mcl is the memory driver for VRStamp built-in serial EEPROM : all FluentChip recording, training and recognizing functions will use the serial EEPROM as main storage. It is a little bit slower at run-time, but voice templates are not lost a power down.


 If you have any questions or comments about this example, don't hesitate to open a topic in my forum.