/* * file : sonar.c * project : Simple UltraSonic Range Finder * author : Bruno Gavand * compiler : mikroC V6.2 * date : september 30, 2006 * * description : * This is a basic ultrasonic range finder, from 30 to 200 centimeters * * target device : * PIC16F877A with 8 Mhz crystal * or any PIC with at least one ADC and PWM channel * * configuration bits : * HS clock * no watchdog * no power up timer * no brown out * LVP disabled * data EE protect disabled * ICD disabled * * see more details and schematic on http://www.micro-examples.com/ */ /******************** * MACRO DEFINITIONS ********************/ /* * ultra sonic pulse length in microseconds */ #define PULSELEN 300
/* * circular buffer size for samples averaging */ #define BUFSIZE 10
/* * LCD PORT * EasyPic2, EasyPic3 : PORTB * EaspyPic4 : PORTD */ #define LCDPORT PORTD #define LCDTRIS TRISD
/******************* * GLOBAL VARIABLES *******************/ unsigned char outOfRange ; // out of range flag : set when no echo is detected
unsigned int buf[BUFSIZE] ; // samples buffer unsigned char idx = 0 ; // index of current sample in buffer
/***************************************** * INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE * This ISR handles TIMER1 overflow only *****************************************/ void interrupt(void) { if(PIR1.TMR1IF) // timer1 overflow ? { outOfRange = 1 ; // set out of range flag PIR1.TMR1IF = 0 ; // clear interrupt flag } }
/************ * MAIN LOOP ************/ void main() { ADCON1 = 0 ; // enables ADC TRISA = 0xff ; // PORTA as inputs PORTA = 0 ;
TRISC = 0 ; // PORTC as outputs PORTC = 0 ;
// TIMER1 settings T1CON = 0b00001100 ; // prescaler 1:1, osc. enabled, not sync, internal clk, stopped #ifdef LCDPORT // init LCD Lcd_Init(&LCDPORT) ; // use EP2/3/4 settings Lcd_Cmd(Lcd_CLEAR) ; // clear display Lcd_Cmd(Lcd_CURSOR_OFF) ; // cursor off
Lcd_Out(1, 1, "UltraSonicRanger") ; Lcd_Out(2, 5, "cm") ; #endif
// init PWM Channel : 40 Khz, 50% duty cycle PWM1_Init(40000) ; PWM1_Change_Duty(128) ; INTCON.GIE = 1 ; // enable global interrupts INTCON.PEIE = 1 ; // enable peripheral interrupts PIE1.TMR1IE = 0 ; // disable timer 1 interrupt PIR1.TMR1IF = 0 ; // clear timer 1 interrupt flag
// forever for(;;) { unsigned char i ; // general purpose byte unsigned long cm ; // distance in centimeters unsigned char str[4] ; // string for range display
// prepare timer T1CON.TMR1ON = 0 ; // stop timer outOfRange = 0 ; // reset out of range flag TMR1H = 0 ; // clear timer1 TMR1L = 0 ;
T1CON.TMR1ON = 1 ; // start timer 1 PIE1.TMR1IE = 1 ; // enable timer 1 interrupts on overflow
// send pulse PWM1_Start() ; // enable PWM output : transducer is pulsed at ultrasonic frequency Delay_us(PULSELEN) ; // during PULSELEN microseconds PWM1_Stop() ; // stop PWM
Delay_us(PULSELEN * 2) ; // do nothing for twice the pulse length duration to prevent false start
while(Adc_Read(1) < 1) // while no pulse detected (no signal on ADC channel 1) { if(outOfRange) break ; // to late, out of range }
T1CON.TMR1ON = 0 ; // stop timer 1 PIE1.TMR1IE = 0 ; // disable timer 1 interrupts on overflow
#ifdef LCDPORT if(outOfRange) // is overrange condtion detected ? { Lcd_Out(2, 8, "OverRange") ; // display overrange message } else if(TMR1H < ((PULSELEN * 6 * Clock_kHz()) / (1000 * 4 * 256))) // is underrange condition detected ? { Lcd_Out(2, 8, "UnderRnge") ; // display underrange message } else // good reading { buf[idx] = TMR1H ; // build a 16 bit value from timer1 buf[idx] <<= 8 ; // MSB buf[idx] += TMR1L ; // LSB
// circular buffer idx++ ; // next location if(idx == BUFSIZE) // the end is reached ? { idx = 0 ; // back to start }
cm = 0 ; // prepare centimeter averaging for(i = 0 ; i < BUFSIZE ; i++) // for all samples in buffer { cm += buf[i] ; // add to sum } cm /= BUFSIZE ; // average samples
/* * cm contains now the number of clock cycles * from the start of the ultrasonic transmission * to the first echo detection * the duration in second is s = cm / (Clock_Khz() * 1000 / 4) * if we admit that sound speed in the air is 340 m/s * the distance in centimeters (forth and back) is d = s * 340 * 100 / 2 * or d = 340 * 100 / 2 * cm / Clock_khz() / 1000 * 4 * d = 34 * 2 / Clock_Khz() */ cm *= 34 * 2 ; // now converts to centimeters cm /= Clock_Khz() ;
ByteToStr(cm, str) ; // convert to string Lcd_Out(2, 1, str) ; // print string Lcd_Out(2, 8, " ") ; // clear error message } #endif
Delay_ms(10) ; // 10 milliseconds delay before next sample } }