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  • oz
    (10 April 2016, 18:13)
    this is compatible whit pic 18f46k22?
  • led
    (4 November 2015, 10:52)
  • rob
    (18 July 2014, 02:43)
    Xloader for the C++ into hex.

    Rob from electric-canada.com and whatisacnc.com
  • mohiudin bhatti
    (23 June 2014, 08:06)
    dear sir
    plz send me the hex files of lcd scope.
    i m very thankful to u if u send me a pic homemade programmer diagrame please.
    email id: md_bhatti99@yahoo.com
  • Giannis
    (10 March 2014, 21:06)
    Please,can you tell me if this firmware is working with PIC18F252?(P-DIP 28)

    Best regards

  • ponshankar
    (9 January 2014, 09:31)
    hi,i dont know how to write the lcd code for pic16f877 in mplab.
  • rc.ozzy
    (1 January 2014, 06:40)
    nice job!
  • rc.ozzy
    (1 January 2014, 06:39)
    Brunog, it's a great work! i've done the modifications to a pic18f4550 and it works fine! now i'm trying with a 18f4520, sure it works!
    thanx by your great job, and microC is a great compiler.
  • Euclides
    (27 May 2013, 17:00)
    Whats the name of the music in the video?
  • George
    (22 March 2013, 17:05)
    please, can you provide us code hex for LCD 16x2, thank you.
  • mikevectra
    (15 September 2012, 20:34)
    i have 16x4 hex email me cristeamihi@yahoo.com
  • John Michel
    (28 May 2012, 17:57)
    No single getting from PIC18F4620 i think its a software problem, plx help me that how to make it right !
  • Aruna
    (21 March 2012, 09:32)
    I am not getting any signal with PIC18F4620 but getting signal with pic 18f452 but the signal refreshes quickly.how to make it stable
  • Aruna
    (21 March 2012, 08:21)
    I tried this with pic18f4620 but I am not getting any display on the LCD
  • Fatmho
    (17 March 2012, 00:38)
    please, can you provide us code hex for LCD 16x2, thank you.
  • Aruna
    (14 March 2012, 07:33)
    Could you please send project file for the above project.It has only c sourse code and hex file in the zip file
  • Aruna
    (13 March 2012, 07:47)
    Could you please tell me what all changes I need to make for PIC18f452
  • Aruna
    (13 March 2012, 03:29)
    Could you please tell me what all adustmentS I have to make to the source code if I want to use PIC18F452
    Because it eas mentioned in the previous website this project uses pic18f452.I am getting signal with pic18f452 but it is refreshing very quickly where should I put the delay to make it stable
  • Aruna
    (29 February 2012, 07:58)
    could you please tell me what are the changes I need to make to the source code if I want to use PIC18F452.What is the frequency range for the analog input?
  • Aruna
    (28 February 2012, 16:20)
    Could you please tell me what all the changes I need to make to the source code if I want to use PIC18F452.Also I would like to know the frequency range for the analog input signal
  • (22 February 2012, 11:52)
    yes the source code should be compatible with PIC18F452 with only a few adjustments but the .HEX file is not, you have to re-build the application
  • Aruna
    (22 February 2012, 09:02)
    will this code work with pic18f452?what r the input conditions and steps for this project,I am not able to display any waveform on the lcd
  • (18 February 2012, 22:37)
    Hi, you can build for 16x2 LCD by untagging this line in the source code :
    //#define LCD16x2
  • cliff
    (18 February 2012, 10:14)
    please can you supply hex code for 16x2 lcd scope or if not listing for c file for this version
  • (11 February 2012, 12:49)
    Hex file is in ZIP file above
  • sri balaji
    (11 February 2012, 07:21)
    i want hex file for lcd scope today

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